Instant and stylish feedback
about the invisible disturbance
in your office

Coming soon...

UbiqAir is an air quality monitor in the form of a decorative lamp combining technology with traditional Swedish glass making.

UbiqAir uses gentle colourful and air-quality dependent light animations to highlight the glass artwork and achieve non-intrusive visual communication with occupants in the room.

Check the air quality in your room

We, humans, are quite good at sensing bad air when entering a meeting room. But we are also very bad at noticing the air turn bad in the room we are in. 

A bit like frogs and hot water…

...simply by eye...

UbiqAir simply sits in your meeting room and provides an objective, discrete and stylish visual feedback about quality of the air you are breathing. 

There is no need to install an app, nothing to configure, no button to press. Simply walk into the room. Visually checking your air-quality becomes as easy as keeping track of time on your wall clock. 

Similarly, UbiqAir will never interrupt your heated discussions or interfere with your meeting more than your wall clock does — unless you explicitly ask it do so.

...or in the cloud

UbiqAir can be optionally connected to the cloud to provided detailed metrics, access historical metrics and analytics regarding air quality and office occupancy — for your latest meeting for interested participants, or for the entire building for your office manager. 


Make sure you spend time efficiently

While toxic level of CO2 is almost never reached in office spaces, concentrations well below dangerous levels have been shown to negatively affect well-being and productivity.

diagram 090320-05


For employees

  •  Air quality feedback helps raise awareness about the problem  
  • Act on a disturbance that is usually unnoticed
  • Less un-productive time at work lead to better work-life balance

For employers

  • Raised productivity by cutting inefficiencies
  • Increased employee well-being
  • Combine aesthetics and functionality 

For office managers

  • Centralised information about room occupancy and air quality
  • Objective metrics and analytic tools to determine optimal occupancy and “cool down time” for each room   
  • Help to spot issues with ventilation early on


by Geekedge AB
Åkersberga, Sweden


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